HJ & Egle on stage with Damien during 2022 Venice Carnival wearing Il Terracotta Doge and Egle in a Bespoke Custom Made Red Satin Gown

A group of Italian friends with Damien during 2022 Venice Carnival on a walk through Venice with our photographer Damien is wearing The Silver Doge and the other costumes are - L-R, Casanova, Emile in Chartreuse, Bella Marina in Red

A group on a Costume Experience with Damien during 2022 Venice Carnival on stage in Piazza San Marco with our photographer - Damien is wearing The Silver Doge and the other costumes are - L-R, Il Terracotta Doge, Bespoke Costume to order, The Silver Doge, Amore Mia, Conte Giuliano

A group on a Costume Experience with Damien during 2022 Venice Carnival a walk through Venice with our photographer Damien is wearing The Silver Doge and the other costumes are - L-R, Casanova, Amore Mia, Il Terracotta Doge, The Silver Doge, Bespoke Costume, Emile in Chartreuse, Bella Marina in Red

Try this life changing experience!

Yes you will feel like a celebrity!

and Yes we often are stopped by TV Crews for interviews!